[Review] Asus Fonepad 8 FE380CG (2g ram 16g rom edition)

Hi guys, kali ini gw mau nge review asus fonepad 8 yang baru aja gw beli dari blibli.com

as always, penampakan :


Swiggity-swag, new sticker bought from modsticker.com :p

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[Review] Lenovo Ideapad Y410p

hi guys, i’m back 😀


after a long time without post, i’m back with a new post from a new laptop.

yep yu read it right, my good ol’ Asus A43SA just decided won’t boot up for me anymore (T__T) so as sad it may heard, I need a new laptop to work, so.. I started to look around the internet to find suitable laptop for me.

So I’ve got my criteria for a laptop : Must play any games on a43sa on same level or better.

and since I’m pretty disappointed by asus’s endurance in new laptops so asus going to be no for me right now.. also i’m pretty bummed by AMD’s driver that makes my laptop screen goes blank every time i updated their driver to the current. I’m stuck with 12.10 driver without any other option! geeez..

so after researching here and there, and consulting to my manager about laptop brands, i decided to go with lenovo. This brand isn’t very new to me since back in St. regis bali i already use lenovo for work laptops, granted it’s thinkpad series not the lenovo series.

so further research narrowed me down to this three candidates :

Lenovo Y410p, Lenovo Z410, and Thinkpad Edge e440.

those laptop armed with 4th gen Core i5/i7 processor, nVidia discrete graphics processor and plenty of other lenovo software.

after all the consideraton : CPU/GPU selection, upgrade options, heat, thickness, warranty, and the most important: price, in the end, I choose Lenovo Y410p

let’s meet the laptop :

well hello there beautiful <3

well hello there beautiful ❤

Update : new pros and cons in this post

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Review Asus A43SA

hi haloo, lama kali ga posting di blog ini, kebanyakan reply comment tok :p

sekarang, mau balikin aktifitas di blog gw ini, gw mo ngasi review laptop, asus a43sa, baru gituuuu  

emang sih di web udah banyak banget yang ngasi review asus a43sa, tapi apa salahnya ngasi review berdasar opini diri sendiri setelah beli?

mulai dari awal, penampakan :

Laptop Baru :p

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